Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing 14

My favorite hummingbird youtube done by a local videographer
Oh this was just WAY too easy! Watch to the end to see an amazing way to keep the nest clean.


Gooseberry, the smallest of the bunch holds her own against her brothers and sisters and even fends off Mulberry's motherly efforts.

The Berries have moved from the newborn nursery to a room of their own. They are making the most of it, running and climbing like crazies. They range in weight from 15 ounces, Gooseberry, to 1 lb 4 oz (Huckleberry) Mulberry does her best to keep them in line but every day she asks for a room of her own! This is a video I did to promote kitten adoption. I believe I could do one about books.........but kittens are cuter!

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