Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 17

I'm suffering from social network overload! Facebook is interesting, I see lots of things on Gather that interest me. I'm already on LinkedIn but that doesn't seem to work. Somehow I get messages saying someone has asked to be connected but the site resolutely says I have no messages. Meanwhile the e-mails continue saying I do. Then a friend asked me to join Hi5.
I can't get over the red being so hard to read on Ning but everything else on NIng seems to be easy. I've been a member of Care2 for a couple of years, just didn't think of it as a social network.
I put my goal of funding 60 cat spays in 2009 on 43 things. I may be the only one with that particular goal but maybe someone will like the idea.
I'm especially interested in how non profit organizations use social networking both for the library and the SPOT clinic where I work on my days off.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thing 16

I've been looking forward to this one. I'd never explored Facebook but heard so much about it. I find it kind of spooky. The second I signed up my friend Suzanne showed up and asked if she was my first FB friend. So I wrote on her wall. I've already been sent a pizza salad, joined the Shiisa Quilts group and the Fabric Addicts NOT Anonymous group. I think you could get lost in this for hours and hours.
I'm very interested in the group aspect of this, I know many animal advocacy groups have facebook pages. I plan to investigate other librarys on Facebook too.
I can see why Facebook is so popular, I've already seen people listed that I've lost track of.
I'd originally thought I'd explore MySpace too but a girl can only stand so much social networking!

Thing 15

I liked the Dog Whisperer on Burl's blog. I found a Mugglecast by using Podcastalley. It started with a big ad for GoDaddy and then it was a bunch of people talking about Harry Potter stuff. Not very interesting. I think video podcasts are more interesting than ones that are only audio.
I think it could be interesting to have some booktalk podcasts but I'm not longing to do them myself.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing 14

My favorite hummingbird youtube done by a local videographer
Oh this was just WAY too easy! Watch to the end to see an amazing way to keep the nest clean.


Gooseberry, the smallest of the bunch holds her own against her brothers and sisters and even fends off Mulberry's motherly efforts.

The Berries have moved from the newborn nursery to a room of their own. They are making the most of it, running and climbing like crazies. They range in weight from 15 ounces, Gooseberry, to 1 lb 4 oz (Huckleberry) Mulberry does her best to keep them in line but every day she asks for a room of her own! This is a video I did to promote kitten adoption. I believe I could do one about books.........but kittens are cuter!

Thing 13

Anyone who can do these things in an hour just isn't looking at much. I get sucked in and find myself spending much more time.
I put up books on Library Thing, put the titles on my blog, read amusing stories from other librarians, joined a group, looked at recommendations.................I'm a libraryperson, of course I enjoy librarything.
I also looked at GoodREads and found a book I didn't enjoy listed on the 50 worst books list.
Then I had to read what others said about it and they too found the narrator a self-absorbed bore.
I'm interested in LibraryThing for Libraries, I think our patrons would love reviewing books and the whole social aspect. I don't know about the cost though, that could make it much less appealing.

Thing 12

Not my day! All the news sites were featuring a news story about a kid in Oklahoma torturing a cat.
I looked at them all. Didn't like the looks of reddit (okay I'm judging a book by its cover but after all I'm a quilter) Newsvine had way too many ads cluttering up things and some of them were people doing situps so the motion was very distracting from the content. I read nasty stuff about Digg changing how they did things and alienating people so I signed up for Mixx.
Then I went to the New York Times, found a nice safe article on pets and the damage smokers can do to their beloved pets. It seemed like the least I could do after reading about that poor cat.
Most of what I see on these sites is sensationalized stuff like we see in the tabloids. They seem to be mostly a waste of time. I did see the full list of presidents I'd heard about in a news story this morning. Radio said Bush was #36 and Lincoln was #1 and Buchanan was last. I wanted to see the whole thing and found it easily. Probably could have found it easily without these sites making me see the cat torture though.
So I'm not a fan!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thing 11

I've been curious about Delicious for a long time. Since I don't bookmark I'm not sure it's useful for me. I suppose it serves the same function as our Reference Tools on the Adult Services page which I used to use more than I do now.
Tags (labels) are very useful, I've been using them on my kitten blog to be able to find pictures of a particular kitten as well as to separate the adoptable from the adopted. I like being able to use more than one tag, makes organizing much easier.
I had a very hard time getting an account because the test words were nearly impossible to recreate. Usually I don't have this problem but they used really hard ones.

Thing 10

I've used wikis before and found them kind of baffling. I liked the Commoncraft explanation and now see much more clearly how useful they can be. I might even try to convince the quilters to use a wiki to plan our next retreat!
I've found Wikipedia to be very useful but I understand that it, like anything on the web........or anything in a only as accurate as the person who submitted it.
I played in the Wiki Sandbox since I didn't want to wait.
I think wikis can be useful for group work, especially fine tuning something that has already been started. It seems like getting started could take a while without an initial meeting. I guess it would depend on the project.

Thing 9

This document was long overdue for some attention. I'm not sure the founding fathers would like all of our changes but surely they'd love the dogs!
I thought they were both easy to use andI think they could be very useful for some of the group efforts in writing/editing current documents.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thing 8

Making the slide show was easy. I had a hard time getting it in my blog but now that I know how that part is easy too. I'm already using this slide show in my Hoosierkitty blog and will probably do more of these. The theme of this one is parting. It was the last pictures of the little kittens before they set off to find their homes. I definitely want to spend more time with thing 8 in the future. I think it's great fun